Term Deposits

Whether you prefer flexibility, security, or both, we have the term deposit for you.

Short-Term & Long-Term Deposits

A safe and flexible way to invest in the future, with guaranteed, competitive rates for the length of the term.

• Terms from 30 days to 5 years
• Redeemable and non-redeemable
• Registered and non-registered
• Minimum $500 investment ($100 for Junior members)

More Details
• Redeemable terms withdrawn prior to maturity are paid interest at our prevailing Plan 24 rate
• Available as a registered product
• Deposits are 100% guaranteed*

Short-term deposits:
• Range from 30 to 364 days
• Attract higher interest rates than demand savings accounts
• Only available as a non-redeemable product

Long-term deposits:
• Range from 1 to 5 years
• Lock in better-than-average rates for fixed periods
• Pay interest at maturity, annually or monthly

Big Dipper Term Deposit

The freedom to partially redeem your investment whenever you need to, without rewriting your term or losing your guaranteed rate.

• 12-month terms
• Partially or fully redeemable after 30 days
• Minimum investment: $500 ($100 for Junior members)

More Details
• Interest is paid at maturity. Choose to have funds automatically roll over or transfer to a deposit account
• Fully or partially redeemable after 30 days
• Withdraw a minimum of $1,000
• Maintain a $1,000 minimum balance
• 1 withdrawal per calendar quarter
• Also available as a registered product
• Deposits are 100% guaranteed*

Flexibility and a high rate of return that increases the longer your funds stay in the term deposit.
• Available in 12, 18, and 36-month terms
• Redeemable*
• Registered and non-registered
• Minimum investment : $500

• Interest is paid annually and at maturity. Choose to have funds automatically roll over or transfer to a deposit account
• 12 and 18-month terms are redeemable after 30 days*
• 36-month term is redeemable at any point in the term’s life, and earns a higher rate of interest the longer it remains invested
• Deposits are 100% guaranteed*

Elevator Term Deposit

A guaranteed high rate of return with the flexibility to re-negotiate and increase your rate annually.

• 5-year terms
• Rewritable and redeemable on anniversary
• Retro-rate increases
• Minimum investment : $500 ($100 for Junior members)

More Details
• Redeem on each anniversary with a 3% penalty
• Available as both a registered and non-registered product
• Deposits are 100% guaranteed*

To maximize the return on your investment, each year has a guaranteed rate which is paid retroactively.
• On the anniversary, the interest is calculated, compounded, and paid
• An additional Retro-Rate payment is calculated to increase the interest earned in the previous years of the term
• Since each of the 5 years has a higher rate than the previous year’s rate, the longer you hold the term, the higher the interest

Rate Bumping:
Protect your current rate of return, while having the flexibility of bumping up your term deposits to a higher interest rate in the future.On your term deposit’s anniversary, you can rewrite your investment to a locked-in term of 1 year or more, with no penalty

Early Riser Term Deposit

With a guaranteed long-term rate and the flexibility to re-write annually, your rate increases each year.

• 4-year locked-in terms
• Rewritable on anniversary without penalty
• Redeemable in the first 30 days
• Minimum deposit: $500 ($100 for Junior members)

• Redeemable for the first 30 days with no interest
• Non-redeemable after 30 days
• Also available as a registered product
• Deposits are 100% guaranteed*

Increasing Rate:
On the anniversary, the interest is calculated and compounded or paid into a deposit account. The longer you hold the term, the higher the interest.

Rate Bumping:
Protect your current rate, and maintain the freedom to bump up your term deposits to a higher rate in the future. On your term deposit’s anniversary, you can rewrite your investment into a non-redeemable term of equal or greater length than the time remaining on the original term deposit, with no penalty.

Rapid Riser Escalator Term Deposit

An 18-month, redeemable term deposit with rate flexibility, and the security of earning an attractive rate when held to maturity.

• 18-month term
• Rate increases every 6 months
• Redeemable after 12 months
• Convertible on the 6-month anniversary date
• Minimum investment : $500 ($100 for Junior members)

Marketsafe Term Deposit

Unlimited earning potential with zero risk to your principal investment. Unlike other term deposits, your return is linked to the stock market instead of a guaranteed rate.

An attractive option if you are looking to earn higher potential returns from the stock market without risking your principal investment. MarketSafe is unlike other term deposits, as potential returns are calculated based on the performance of the S&P/TSX 60 stock market index instead of a guaranteed rate.
• Principal is 100% guaranteed
• No fees
• Unlimited potential
• Flexibility of 3 or 5-year terms
• RRSP and TFSA eligible or invest in an unregistered account

• Minimum investment of $1000
• Non-Redeemable
• Deposits are 100% guaranteed*

Track the performance of our MarketSafe Term deposits:

Term Deposit 3 year performance

MarketSafe Term Deposit 5 year performance

Return = ((Average Value – Starting Value) ÷ Starting Value) x Participation Rate

Read our MarketSafe information sheet for more information.